o 打電話推銷的騷擾手法
o 亂加價格!
o 沒有任何保固,都丟給RSC(我的媽阿!,那要你做啥?_?)
o 沒有近新庫存品,都是全新!
o 無暇吃不敢說,但絕對是品質保證
o 一周一兩只,注意產量
o 匯款當天或隔日保證書日期(出錶店日)
o 沒有錶友間收刮或換錶來的二手新品
o 過度便宜或明顯有問題店家不碰
"hyjtsang"-> want to ask P-teacher that the price of 116400GV in Japan~ thanks in advance~ and would kindly P-teacher help me to get one (given that the price is affortable to me~ heehee) thank you!